Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I've had enough

This morning was the final straw.

I arrived at work tired and sick of work already, only to find my first letter of warning from our Sydney head office nicely perched on my desk in front of my computer. I just snapped. The nerve of these arrogant arseholes! I've worked 45hr weeks for months now, not even getting paid for it because of the enourmous amount of salary I get paid - says sarcastically. I burst into tears and waited until my boss got in then I stormed his office shoved the letter on his desk and demanded to know whether he had anything to do with that or not. He denied it, of course. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, I told him that if he wants my resignation he's got it, he said he didn't but I told him that I was looking for something else anyway. He told me that if I find something take it and not to worry about loyalty and feeling guilty. He told me that the company was going nowhere fast anyway and I was better off somewhere else. He said he was also looking for alternative avenues for himself as well and he would take anything better if it came along.

He also said that the building we work in has now been sold and we have to vacate within 60 days but they have not yet found an alternative suitable location. That's the company I work for, they will probably leave it to the last minute and then expect a huge transport organisation to move within a matter of days.

I've now vented, good night.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely sounds like time to get a new job. They don't deserve your loyalty.


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