Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh - I almost forgot to mention...Follow this site...

What about this one?

Also a project for tomorrow!
My next baking project can be found at:

Unfortunately there is no picture, but just use your imagination!
WOW!  Has it really been that long? 

The years have flown by...

What have I been doing with my life...let's see:
  1. Reading...lots of reading.  I will attempt to include some brief reviews in the coming months of the books I've enjoyed over the last 6 years
  2. Movies...I've been watching lots of old and new movies - I will also try and include a review of some of the better ones in the coming months.
  3. Studying...more studying of course!  What's life without more knowledge?  Still accounting and now Law.  I now have a Graduate Diploma of Business from the University of Southern Queensland...not that its much use to me in my current work and without practical experience. mmm...what a waste really, but at least its keeping the brain busy!
  4. Work...the dreaded work!