Sunday, February 27, 2005

Should this be the End?

I broke up with Aurelius last night. He rang back later and I think we came to some kind of agreement, but what that agreement was I am not sure. This long distance relationship is testing my patience - ask Aurelius I am not the most patient person in this world. He said he would ring back this morning and then we could talk - but no word from him yet.

It dawned on me after our telephone conversation that he was accusing me of cheating on him. I have been cheated on and would therefore never cheat on anyone. I am indignant that he would even entertain such thoughts. He asked me outright whether I did go out with the people I said I went out with. I went out to dinner with my sister on Friday night - she is suspicious of her husband cheating on her - and went out to the movies with my 21 week pregnant friend whom I have not seen since Sept 2004. This has made me think will my life be like this upon his arrival in Judea? Will I ever be allowed to go out with my friends on a girls night out? Without the questioning!

In case you are wondering what the initial break up was about, I'll give you a brief history and you can judge for yourself whether I'm over reacting or not. Aurelius lives in Rome, I (Pinky) live in Judea. We met online in Sept 2004 when Aurelius lived in Judea, and quickly became friends and then met face to face and became lovers. On a lovely Sunday drive home from Mt T I went crazy and decided that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship - recently having left my cheating husband - and thus ended our fledgling relationship. I think Aurelius was a bit cut up by this as he decided to move back to Rome shortly thereafter. We then became 'friends with benefits', a term I coined for myself as the alternate term did not appeal to me, until his departure 2 weeks later.

We continued being good friends, with Aurelius in Rome and me in Judea, until Feb 2 when I arrived in Ostia, having accepted an invitation from Aurelius to come down for his 34th birthday. Within a few hours we were back to being lovers and it felt comfortable and it felt like we were meant to be together and I was at ease with the world. The following couple of days were perfect, except that we spent time each day at Aurelius' ex-wife's house and you could cut the tension with a knife, but the only people who noticed was myself and Aurelia. Men are so ignorant!

To cut a short story long, I came back to Judea on Sunday, 6 Feb and my world has been an emotional roller-coaster ever since. Aurelius decided that he was going to move back to Judea as soon as he sorted his sh*t out in Rome, date was set for departure 18 March. Over the last few weeks that date has now been creeping slowly further and further into the future. First it changed to the weekend, to give him enough time to pack his stuff together - fair enough, no objections. Then a couple of days ago, he rings me and tells me that now he is coming the week after because Aurelia has asked him to wacth her house while she and their son go away for the weekend. Of course Aurelius says yes and I get the phone call, date has again been changed because he is babysitting the ex's house. So now he will be leaving on Tuesday, almost a week later. Now, I know I'm over reacting, but what if she comes up with another reason to make him stay? My pregnant friend thinks she is doing it on purpose, because Aurelia knew his plans, so quickly makes alternate plans to foil his. Am I just being paranoid?

And on top of all this I've had the added pleasure of worrying about whether I'm pregnant or not, but I've done a home test and it came up negative, so at least that has been settled.

By the way in case you're wondering if I'm a home-wrecker, no I'm not, apparently they have been separated now for about 2.5 years and neither of them want to get back together - so they say!

Aurelius has said that she has been acting all territorial and jealous because of me. Would she do this on purpose to keep her husband away from me? You be the judge! So this is my story so far, and it is now 8.32am Judea time and still no call/sms from Aurelius. Obviously he is not so worried about where we are headed, so I guess I shouldn't be as well. I should just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride.

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