I'm not going to go into it, but let me leave some clues...
Clue 1
bla·sé (blä-z
1. Uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence.
2. Unconcerned; nonchalant: had a blasé attitude about housecleaning.
3. Very sophisticated.
blasé [ˈblɑːzeɪ]
1. indifferent to something because of familiarity or surfeit
2. lacking enthusiasm; bored
[from French, past participle of blaser to cloy]
- Dizziness, feeling lightheaded
- Excess of energy, you feel you can’t relax
- Feeling cold or chilled
- Nausea
- Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
- Trembling, shaking, tremors
- Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath
- Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath
- Constant feeling of being overwhelmed
- Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others
- Pulsing in the ears, throbbing sound in the ear(s)
- Tickle or itch in your ear that you can't seem to get at
- Difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss
- Difficulty thinking, speaking, forming thoughts, following conversations
- Frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, or that there is just too much to handle or do
- Short-term memory impairment, can't remember what I did a few days, hours, or moments ago
- Emotionally blunted, flat, or numb
- Feeling down in the dumps
- You feel like you are under pressure all the time
- Constipation
- Dry mouth
- The thought of eating makes you nauseous
- Difficulty falling or staying asleep
- Dry, watery or itchy eyes
- Eye tricks, seeing things our of the corner of your eye that isn’t there, stars, flashes
- Spots in the vision
Clue 3
- hurtful comments making fun of you or your work
- playing mind games, ganging up on you, or other types of psychological harassment
- withholding important info
- making impossible demands; setting you up to fail
- intimidation (making you feel less important and undervalued)
- pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing you in the workplace
If you are being bullied at work you might:
- be less active or successful
- be less confident in your work
- feel scared, stressed, anxious or depressed
- have your life outside of work affected, e.g. study, relationships
- want to stay away from work
- feel like you can’t trust your employer or the people who you work with
- lack confidence and happiness about yourself and your work
- have physical signs of stress like headaches, backaches, sleep problems
This is how I've felt for the last 2 days...and then on deeper reflection - I have been feeling like this for quite some time - on and off!
If anyone else is experiencing similar feelings and symptoms...the links may be able to provide you some help.
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