Argo is a 2012 American thriller film directed by Ben Affleck. The movie is based loosely on former Central Intelligence Agency operative Tony Mendez's historical account of the rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Tehran, Iran during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.
First up the events in this movie are based on true events which happened in 1979 in Tehran, Iran.The movie is based on the Iranian hostage crisis in Tehran, Iran in 1979 where around 60 US government employees working at the US Embassy were taken hostage for 444 days. The story focuses on 6 employees from the Embassy who managed to escape just as the Embassy was over-run and the hostages taken. These 6 find their way to the Canadian Consuls house and remain there in hiding until a plan is hatched by CIA operative Tony Mendez.
The plan is risky, hair brained with a less than 50% chance of success. That's all I'm going to stay about that!
The Cast
The movie is directed by and starring Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck plays serious, no smiles, CIA operative Antonio Mendez. He is sooo cool pressure; however he looks very old with all that grey hair!Other cast members included Bryan Cranston as Jack O'Donnell, Alan Arkin as Lester Siege, John Goodman as John Chambers, Clea DuVall as Cora Lije, Kyle Chandler as Hamilton Jordan, Victor Garber as Ken Taylor, Tate Donovan as Bob Anders and Michael Parks as Jack Kirby just to name a few.
The Review
I, personally, don't know much about the circumstances surrounding the 1979 hostage crisis; however the movie is well written and the footage reflect the technology of the age. To me the story was more believable because the actors were unknown - well unknown to me anyway.The movie played out like a documentary in some parts with original footage from the crisis thrown in at opportune moments.
It didn't have the special effects that most other modern war movies have, but it felt real. It felt like it was an accurate recount of the events which occurred at that time.
It was an enjoyable movie and even though it lacked the glitz and glamour of modern Hollywood movies it still gave you that edge of your seat effect. There was no lengthy gun fights, no gruesome explosions, no bodies blown to bits but it was an enjoyable 2 hours and to be honest I would definitely watch it again, maybe not at the cinemas, but definitely in the privacy of my own home.
For that great cinema experience though I would see it there first - which I already have. So don't miss out!
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