Hopefully by now you've had a chance to see Season 3, because a massive big spoiler is coming up!
At the end of Season 3, Dean & Sam try to hunt down Lilith in order to clear Dean's crossroads demon deal. Reminder: Dean made the deal at the end of Season 2 to bring Sam back to life...
Unfortunately, Lilith tricks them and takes over Ruby's body and lets the hell hounds take Dean to hell, but is unable to kill Sam. So at the end of Season 3, Dean's dead and lands in hell.
Season 4 starts out with the episode called "Lazarus Rising" and **spoiler coming** it's because Dean comes back from Hell very dramatically by crawling out of his grave.
This season continues with the quest to find the 'thing' responsible for raising Dean from Hell. This season introduces my 2nd favourite character Castiel played by Misha Collins.
Early on the Winchester boys and Bobby find out that it was Castiel, with the aid of fellow angels, who are responsible for Dean's rescue from Hell. Another new character introduced into this season is Pamela, the psychic, who helps Dean in his quest for answers.
Unfortunately, Pamela loses her vision in her quest for answers, when she gazes upon Castiel's true form. Once the boys are introduced to the warriors of God, they have to come to terms with the reality of Angels.
Along the way, Dean finds out that Ruby is still around and is very angry to learn that while he was in Hell, Sam has been learning to master his powers.
It is very dramatic when Dean tries to help Sam by locking him into the secure room in Bobby's basement to help Sam "detox".
Eventually unbeknownst to Dean and Bobby, Castiel frees Sam, who immediately contacts Ruby. Dean finds Sam with Ruby and they argue about the way Sam's been going about getting Lilith back for sending Dean to Hell. The boys are also under the impression, which was provided to them by none other than Ruby herself, that Sam can avert the Apocalypse by murdering Lilith.
In this season, Dean & Sam discover that there is a series of books, written by Carver Edlund, which goes into great detail about their life. With Castiel's help the boys discover that Carver, which is only his pen-name, is actually a profit of the Lord, and is in fact writing the chronicles of the Winchester boys.
The boys also meet Anna, who doesn't know she is an Angel, until Pamela puts her under hypnosis, to find out why Anna can hear the Angels. Once Anna knows she is an Angel, both the Demons and the Angels are on the hunt to grab themselves a piece of 'Angel pie'.
Unfortunately, in the end Anna turns against the Winchester boys and dies in 1978 while trying to kill Dean & Sam's parents.
The showdown comes in Ilchester, when Sam is all 'juiced up' on Demon blood and is strong enough to finally take Lilith down. Dean tries to intervene, but Ruby blocks his attempts.

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