Friday, February 22, 2013


I don't normally post personal information here, but I'm soooo over the moon that I just have to share!

Without giving away too much information and to give a brief background, here is a brief re-cap:

I'm currently undertaking further study at a post-graduate level at University and due to some emotional upheaval at work my studies have suffered.  Because of this upheaval I requested deferment of my end of semester exam.  The deferred exam was scheduled at the end of January this year and because of my emotional state I was really disorganised and did not do much prep work or study towards it....

Needless to say, I was scared shitless that I would have to repeat this unit of study and I dreaded the knowledge that I would have to study 3 units in Semester 2.

The results were posted online today and to my surprise, I didn't do as well as I usually do, but nevertheless I still passed.  I received a grade of 4, where the highest grade achievable is a 7.  It's not as good as I usually get but it is a pass!!!!

Happy all around.   I won't be manic in Semester 2 because I won't have to study 3 subjects but just my usual 2.  Woo Hoo!

I'm sooo happy - I could shout it from the rooftops.

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