Well, it's been ages since I've put anything in here. There are a few reasons for that. One I've started stuyding again - Accounting this time and I'm going really well, ok not really well but at least passing everything! I'm in my second semester and doing marketing and accounting. I love it, but with my hectic schedule I just don't have a lot of time to study. But it is self-inflicted. I've also been doing a personal development course, through work, and it has been good. Work is good, still enjoying it and it has been around 8 months. There has been some bitching going on, but I think that's usual when you have so many people working together.
Anyway, that's about me since January. Not very exciting, just work and study and not much play.
Something exciting has happened. My computer is cactus - hence the extended no contact. Not buying another one for a while, still trying to save money - I'll be using the ones at Uni - thank goodness for the springfield campus!