Ok, firstly I have lost another 100g. That's ok. I didn't go to Weight Watchers yesterday but I weighed myself at the gym. I feel happy because basically I've been pigging out all week. Monday was halloween, we had a beautiful morning tea. Cakes, biscuits, muffins, party pies etc. I ate a little bit of almost everything. Then Tuesday it was Melbourne Cup day this time we had lunch, roast chicken from the shops, creamy potato & pasta salad and coleslaw and french sticks. I ate, because I had paid for it. Then on Friday, one of the girls was leaving to go to Bundy for 4 weeks so again there was scrumptious morning tea, including chocolate mud cake, profiteroles and coconut balls. I had some - so in a nutshell this last week was horendous from a dieters point of view. I did manage to get to the gym 4 times this weeks, hence the small weight loss. I'm going to be a good girl next week. Hoping to shed more weight. The plan is to go Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday and maybe I'll take the rugrat swimming on Sunday.
Secondly, I have to confess. I have an addiction. I always used to think people who were addicted to things were weak, but I am now at the stage where I can call it an addiction and I think I should seek professional help. Don't laugh! I am addicted to avocados. My day begins with two multigrain slices of toast spread with a 1/4 avocado and 1 tomato and a cup of coffee. This has now been going on for around 3 weeks. The other day I ran out of avocados and I started to panic! What was I going to have for brekky now? I ended up having jam on english muffin, but I craved my usual breakfast all day. I refrained from giving in to my craving. I did make a point of going to the shops on the way home from work and buying 3 avocados. How insane is that? I think I should just go cold turkey? I ran out again yesterday and I couldn't help myself but bought 3 new ones today. I can't wait until the morning!
Total weight loss to date stands at 3.5kg. Another 1.5kg and I get a reward. I'm giving myself rewards at various milestones. Milestone 1 = 5kg, 2 = 9.2kg, 3 = 15kg, 4 = 20kg and the 5th and final = 30kg
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