Friday, October 28, 2005


I'm feeling a bit down. It's unexplainable, I shouldn't be - life is pretty good. I have an excellent job, starting uni in a week - accounting - and work is paying for 75% of it. All my bills are up to date. My phone crapped itself, but it's no reason to be down in the dumps. I'm sure it's hormonal, but I'll get over that!

Was supposed to go to this traffic light party with a friend, but can't afford it and I have my son this weekend, maybe I'll do something getting out and meeeting people type next weekend.

I have my weight-watchers on sat - I've lost another 1/2kg. Slowly but surely, could be a bit down because of the lack of sugar and fat food, but I guess I'll get over that!

Anyway, we are going to the soccer club tonight - to spend more money that I don't have. Oh well, you only live once, might as well live life to the fullest.

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