Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Topsy Turvy

After a turbulent yesterday both at work and at home, I've decided to have today day off! I started by mending a few bridges, which had kind of fallen in a heap after my not so nice behaviour last night. Why do I behave like that? The simple answer is I don't know. I really don't - is it hormonal? Maybe. Psychological? Perhaps. Emotional? Definitely.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Around lunch time I got what I thought was my periods. Was it? Well to be honest I'm not sure. I wonder if it was just a bit of spotting? All up I had about 3 spots and some bloating and a few cramps and since then nothing. A definite must to keep my doctor's appointment on Friday and get to the bottom of it all. At work we had a conversation about how relieved and happy we were that I was not pregnant, but as the day wore on my doubts and worries still lingered.

Were the bridges mended? I hear you ask. I don't think so, as I have had no reply to any of my 3 sms messages. True, he could be asleep from a late night in front of the computer, but it's already 9.30am his time. Anyway, I think I have to do more than just send 3 sms messages. I was a little bit too nasty and accused him of not caring and being indifferent. Would that have hurt his feelings? Maybe.

On a happier note, my sister is coming over to work on her website for her salon. I'm looking forward to this as it will be part of my first assignment for TAFE. I'll post a link here when its finished.

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